Pony with His salt lick

The Pony and His Saltlick
This 8×10 canvas priced at $55 USD


Pony and His Salt Lick
This painting I’ve called The Pony and His Salt Lick. It’s a memory from my youth. It’s also a necessity for pastured animals such as horses and cattle. We all need a certain amount of salt. Animals are no different. That is what inspired me to paint this scene.

I grew up on a farm with horses and cattle. Every summer they were pastured in the Flint Hills across from our house. You may notice what looks like stones dotting the pasture. Those flat limestones may have weighed several tons under the ground. They always fascinated me. I’d wanted to etch our names as a family on one of those limestone rocks. Unfortunately, we never did, and the land is sold. Do things while you can.

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